Text Response

Dear Isabelle Kerr,

I am writing to inform on the situation on where to agree or disagree on the use of slang in today’s society. For many people slang is a very quick way of talking to one another for example instead of saying “because” slang interprets it as “cos”. Slang also divides the community between the younger population against the older. This is because most teenagers are adapted into slang and just talk like that for the rest of their lives.

Though many people may disagree in the use of slang in our society for the reason that it is not proper English. That this may be a mockery of the English language, and so that the English language should not be changed. They believe that pupils of schools are taught English how they would speak it and spell it. This may contradict the fact the English language changes and evolves over time. This may point out that slang maybe an evolved version of the English language today.

I believe that schools today, are teaching young individuals the proper English Language. But still within their background or where they live they still have influences of talking slang. This may seem bad, but our English Language is changing everyday,  you may like everyone to talk like how you talk but would those who talk slang have a problem with your pronunciation of words. The thing is we all talk in our own ways to be recognised as to who we are. So you can talk slang or non-slang, the fact is we all talk in our own ways because everyone is different. And difference is what makes our society. This is what I truly believe the English language should be, for different interpretations for different people.

Yours Sincerely.





